#89 – Fulton Sheen explains the Devil, demonic possession, and exorcism
Have you ever been tempted to believe that the devil isn’t real? Well Fulton Sheen says think again! In this video we discuss Sheen’s teachings on the Devil and the reality of the diabolical in our lives, even including possession. DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Lockdown-Devil… AND […]

#SR17 – Malachi Martin made a Cardinal by Pope John Paul II? Personal friend tells all.
Rob Marro, personal friend of Malachi Martin has some interesting things to tell us. You will not want to miss this episode where you will find information you haven’t seen anywhere else. DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Lockdown-Devil… AND HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Terror-Demons-… The Kennedy Report does not function […]

#88 – Bishop Fulton Sheen Predicts Antichrist Coming in our times?
Bishop Fulton Sheen had a lot to say about what it might look like when the Antichrist would come. Strikingly, what he said made it sound like he was talking about our times, as if the Antichrist would come sooner rather than later. We hope you enjoy this video and […]

#87 – Marcel Lefebvre: The Original Cancelled Priest
Long before Father Altman and others were “cancelled” there was a French Archbishop who was cancelled for adhering to the faith of all time. Marcel Lefebvre paved the way for men of faith who knew they had to stand up in the face of modernism and keep the faith! DONATE […]

#SR08 – Pope Francis changing Birth Control doctrine? Is Contraception okay for Catholics?
Pope Francis has made statements suggesting he might change doctrine on contraception, can this happen? DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Lockdown-Devil… AND HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Terror-Demons-… The Kennedy Report does not function without a committed staff, social media placement, office/studio space, equipment and other required expenses. If you are […]

#SR07 – Pray for Father Altman! He is the real deal
A potential Eucharistic Miracle of Christ’s Heart beating during Adoration has been recorded. Is it legit? DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Lockdown-Devil… AND HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Terror-Demons-… The Kennedy Report does not function without a committed staff, social media placement, office/studio space, equipment and other required expenses. If you […]

#SR06 – CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Beating Heart of Jesus in new EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in Mexico?
A potential Eucharistic Miracle of Christ’s Heart beating during Adoration has been recorded. Is it legit? DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id… PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Lockdown-Devil… AND HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Terror-Demons-… The Kennedy Report does not function without a committed staff, social media placement, office/studio space, equipment and other required expenses. If you […]

#86 – Fulton Sheen: Heal and find forgiveness from abortion
Roe v Wade is gone, but abortion will still continue in some capacity. Whatever we may think about the evil that is associated with it, human beings lose their souls for taking part in the procedure whether as the woman or as the man who supports/performs the procedure. Christ died […]

#82 – Women CANNOT be priests: Fulton Sheen
There is a lot talk about women’s rights currently with all that is going on, and in the Church this often focuses on the question of ordaining women. It is theologically impossible, but Fulton Sheen explains it the best. DONATE HERE https://thekennedyreport.com/?page_id=949 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/thekennedyreport KENNEDY’S BOOKS HERE: https://tanbooks.com/products/books/spiritual-warfare/diabolic/terror-of-demons-reclaiming-traditional-catholic-masculinity/ AND HERE: […]

#81 – Fulton Sheen on LGBT Pride movement
Fulton Sheen lived through the sexual revolution, and he saw how it affected the culture, and he was concerned with the effect it would have on children. As we live through a time of drag story hours and more, it is time to see what the great bishop would say […]